Food machinery 2000
Food machinery 2000 from Bath:
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Daumar PA25 rotatary weigher. 15 rotating buckets with 1 weigh cell. Dimensions approx. 1.3 m x 1.3 m x 2.6 m high. Can include the infeed conveyors and Giro netting machines if re......
Brillopak PAKstation packing line. Overall dims approx. 5.3 m long x 1.9 m high. It can handle various types of Product and can be packed into any types of open containers. Will in......
Daumar type PA-145 year 2021 3 lane weigher with 63 buckets with a release system for high weight accuracy. Remote maintenance. Touch screen controls. Approx. 2 m x 2 m x 2.7 m hig......
Lutetia tumblers max load of 2000 kg of product model type40 with Nitrogen cooling facility. Bnv2Uhe93Mp......
High speed slicer Dphsur......
Herma high speed labeller for pots. Applies a top c wrap label. Also can apply a bottom label. Dphsvz......
Wolfking twin paddle mixer 800 litre. Has had brand new electrics and in 2019 brand new gear box and motor. Air operated safety lid. Dphunx......
Rondo comas HD 3000 pastry sheeter Dpkkuz......
This Kolbe mixer grinder is in As new condition and was only used for 6 months. Chsct7Pf7S......
Herma top Labeller model 500 with zodiac hawk printer. Cost new £14,500 Dpmcex......
Urschel comitrol 3600 with direct screw infeed system. Suitable for all types of product. Comes with 2 size cutting heads. Dpqlyp......
Mono volumetric dough divider model FVDO 130. Dpql9B......
Vitella auto hexagonal 37 piece dough divider Dpqmf7......
M50 automatically cuts and divides the the dough into portions. The weights of the portions can be controlled and it can do up to 400kg a hour for continuous process. Dpqmj9......
The Rondopress is a powerful dough and fat press with an automated pressing cycle. It will shape your dough pieces and fat plates. Dpqmkj......
Firex gas fired cooking vessels model PMRIG 500. Approx 500 litre model. All s/s with front end discharge. Dpqmk7......
Tong Engineering rotary table/ Lazy susan with infeed conveyor Cupniqibtw......
Stephan micro cut model MCH20FS with a ceia metal detector Cup7Dew3Ja......
Vemag hp3 with a 3 head depositing head Cup93Rxtz8......
Kronen GEWA 1000 batch Jacuzzi type washer. Perfect for salads and all types of fruit and veg. Dpqmsx......
Risco vacuum filler with depositing head. was working in the bakery industry Cuqtom3Yqq......
Herbert cyclone twin head labelling system Cuqxfttcry......
Turbo systems 10 depositor with holding tank. Mobile on wheels. Suitable for all types of sauces Dpqm2F......
Affeldt netting machine with metal clips each end and wine glass label applicator with inline infeed. Dpqm3D......
Glass cooking wok 300 litre with mixing. Also with tilting. Fully guarded. ALos comes with its own thermal oil boiler. Dpqm79......
Show 41