Robert Bueno Lacasa
Robert Bueno Lacasa from Sant Cugat del Valles:
La empresa ANDClima inicio su camino en el año 2000 y desde entonces trabajamos por vender aire acondicionado y enfriadoras de agua en las mejores condiciones adaptándonos a las necesidades de nuestros clientes.
Mr Robert Bueno Lacasa
Avda. Lluis Companys i Jover nº 29, 2º, 2ª
08172 Sant Cugat del Valles
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2 Switches for high power generators for power plants with transformers. Both are ABB with very little use. The counters are at 31 and 202 hours. Perfect state. Pykjnsgh General ......
Electra Molins 440kva generator, model: EMAN(89TAE440, with 1.101 hours, Detroit engine, with diesel tank, only used as emergency service. We have videos of the generator running a......
Genset / Generator, Enerco brand, 250 kva, Iveco engine and alternator Stamford, with 114 hours only used as emergency service. Diesel tank incorporated. We have videos of the gene......
We have in stock 2 sets, the price indicated is per unit, second hand air conditioning revised, duct, split system or vertical compact, Carrier brand of 90300 Frigorias with heat p......