Used Almig for sale (61)

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Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
Screw compressor ALMIG Flex 15
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Estonia Pärnu
6,037 km

Screw compressor
ALMIGFlex 15

Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
Compressed air screw compressor ALMIG Air Control Solo
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Germany Bielefeld
6,891 km

Compressed air screw compressor
ALMIGAir Control Solo

Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
Screw air compressor ALMIG First Air FAS 7 - 10
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Germany Reichenbach am Heuberg
6,866 km

Screw air compressor
ALMIG First AirFAS 7 - 10

Screw compressor ALMIG VARIABLE 32
Screw compressor ALMIG VARIABLE 32
Screw compressor ALMIG VARIABLE 32
Screw compressor ALMIG VARIABLE 32
Screw compressor ALMIG VARIABLE 32
Screw compressor ALMIG VARIABLE 32
Screw compressor ALMIG VARIABLE 32
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Poland Zduny
6,287 km

Screw compressor

Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Gear 132
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Germany Borken
7,016 km

Screw air compressor
ALMiG Gear 132

22 screwcompressor oilfree ALMIG Lento 22 LK
22 screwcompressor oilfree ALMIG Lento 22 LK
22 screwcompressor oilfree ALMIG Lento 22 LK
22 screwcompressor oilfree ALMIG Lento 22 LK
22 screwcompressor oilfree ALMIG Lento 22 LK
22 screwcompressor oilfree ALMIG Lento 22 LK
22 screwcompressor oilfree ALMIG Lento 22 LK
22 screwcompressor oilfree ALMIG Lento 22 LK
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

22 screwcompressor oilfree
ALMIGLento 22 LK

Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
Screw compressor ALMIG BELT 37-10
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Estonia Pärnu
6,037 km

Screw compressor

Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55 Almig  Variable55
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Austria Hohenems
6,801 km

Screw compressor 55 kW Variable55
Almig Variable55

Certified Dealer
Almig Almig  Variable 16
Almig Almig  Variable 16
Almig Almig  Variable 16
Almig Almig  Variable 16
Almig Almig  Variable 16
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6,870 km

Almig Variable 16

Certified Dealer
Screw Compressor ALMIG FLEX 15
Screw Compressor ALMIG FLEX 15
Screw Compressor ALMIG FLEX 15
Screw Compressor ALMIG FLEX 15
Screw Compressor ALMIG FLEX 15
Screw Compressor ALMIG FLEX 15
Screw Compressor ALMIG FLEX 15
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Germany Berlin
6,574 km

Screw Compressor

Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 75
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Germany Borken
7,016 km

Screw air compressor
ALMiG Direct 75

37 kW compressor oilfree Almig LENTO 37 LK
37 kW compressor oilfree Almig LENTO 37 LK
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

37 kW compressor oilfree
AlmigLENTO 37 LK

Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
Almig Variable 32 screw compressor ALMIG Variable32
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Austria Hohenems
6,801 km

Almig Variable 32 screw compressor

Certified Dealer
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Direct 160
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Germany Borken
7,016 km

Screw air compressor
ALMiG Direct 160

7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
7,5 kW screwcompressor ALMIG BELT XP 8 - 10 bar
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

7,5 kW screwcompressor
ALMIGBELT XP 8 - 10 bar

Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
Screw air compressor ALMiG  Variable 150
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Germany Borken
7,016 km

Screw air compressor
ALMiG Variable 150

Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor ALMIG SIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

Oilfree 160 kW screwcompressor
ALMIGSIMPLEXX 160 LK (8,6 bar)

Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-DRIVE 8
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

Variable 11 kW screwcompressor

Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
Variable 11 kW screwcompressor ALMIG F-Drive 22
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

Variable 11 kW screwcompressor
ALMIGF-Drive 22

Oil free 15 kW screw compressor ALMIG LENTO 15 - Luftgekuehlt
Oil free 15 kW screw compressor ALMIG LENTO 15 - Luftgekuehlt
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Germany Bayern, Deutschland
6,672 km

Oil free 15 kW screw compressor
ALMIGLENTO 15 - Luftgekuehlt

5.5 kW screwcompressor tank dryer ALMIG COMBI 6/270D
5.5 kW screwcompressor tank dryer ALMIG COMBI 6/270D
5.5 kW screwcompressor tank dryer ALMIG COMBI 6/270D
5.5 kW screwcompressor tank dryer ALMIG COMBI 6/270D
5.5 kW screwcompressor tank dryer ALMIG COMBI 6/270D
5.5 kW screwcompressor tank dryer ALMIG COMBI 6/270D
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

5.5 kW screwcompressor tank dryer


Trust Seal

Through Machineseeker certified dealers

Trust Seal
Compressed Air dryer 2,67 m³/min ALMIG ALM 180
Compressed Air dryer 2,67 m³/min ALMIG ALM 180
Compressed Air dryer 2,67 m³/min ALMIG ALM 180
Compressed Air dryer 2,67 m³/min ALMIG ALM 180
Compressed Air dryer 2,67 m³/min ALMIG ALM 180
Compressed Air dryer 2,67 m³/min ALMIG ALM 180
Compressed Air dryer 2,67 m³/min ALMIG ALM 180
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

Compressed Air dryer 2,67 m³/min

New 7,5 kW screw compressor ALMIG COMBI 8 - 10 bar
New 7,5 kW screw compressor ALMIG COMBI 8 - 10 bar
New 7,5 kW screw compressor ALMIG COMBI 8 - 10 bar
New 7,5 kW screw compressor ALMIG COMBI 8 - 10 bar
New 7,5 kW screw compressor ALMIG COMBI 8 - 10 bar
New 7,5 kW screw compressor ALMIG COMBI 8 - 10 bar
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6,714 km

New 7,5 kW screw compressor
ALMIGCOMBI 8 - 10 bar

16 kW screwcompressor 2.13 m³/min ALMIG BELT XP 16
16 kW screwcompressor 2.13 m³/min ALMIG BELT XP 16
16 kW screwcompressor 2.13 m³/min ALMIG BELT XP 16
16 kW screwcompressor 2.13 m³/min ALMIG BELT XP 16
16 kW screwcompressor 2.13 m³/min ALMIG BELT XP 16
16 kW screwcompressor 2.13 m³/min ALMIG BELT XP 16
16 kW screwcompressor 2.13 m³/min ALMIG BELT XP 16
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

16 kW screwcompressor 2.13 m³/min

Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
Variable 45 kW screwcompressor ALMIG VARIABLE XP 45
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Germany Erlangen
6,714 km

Variable 45 kW screwcompressor


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