Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH from Kronberg:

Systemtechnik Hölzer ist ein Familienunternehmen in der dritten Generation. Die Hauptbereiche sind Nutzentrennen, Luftlagerfertigung, Sondermaschinenbau und Laserfertigung.
Im Zuge der Digitalisierung und Komplexität der Anforderungen, ist die Laser-Technologie ein wichtiger Bestandteil von der Firma Hölzer geworden. Die Sparte „Laser“ entwickelt sich stetig weiter. Mittlerweile ist Systemtechnik Hölzer auf die Produktion von hochwertigen Beschriftungsmaschinen mit Faserlaser, CO2-Laser oder UV-Laser spezialisiert.

Ms Silvia Hölzer-Becker
Westerbachstraße 4
61476 Kronberg

further legal information

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH
Westerbachstraße 4
61476 Kronberg

Vertreten durch Silvia Hölzer-Becker

Telefon: 06173-9249-0

Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registernummer: HRB 2923

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 114214387

Quelle: eRecht24, Rechtsanwalt für Internetrecht Sören Siebert


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Current classifieds & top offers:

Trayloader TL 6040

Tray-Loader TL-6040 - 2-lane stack-on module for the economical transport of trays (boxes) for printed circuit boards. The empty trays are r ...

Mobile fiber laser LAS 23 20Watt

The mobile laser LAS 23 portable is characterized by its compact design. Small, handy and with custom-made attachments that can be individua ...

30 Watt Fiber laser - LAS 28

The universal laser marking system LAS 28 from Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH can be used for a very wide range of marking applications. With the ...

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Trayloader TL 6040

Tray-Loader TL-6040 - 2-lane stack-on module for the economical transport of trays (boxes) for printed circuit boards. The empty trays are removed from the transport carriage, auto......

Mobile fiber laser LAS 23 20Watt

The mobile laser LAS 23 portable is characterized by its compact design. Small, handy and with custom-made attachments that can be individually exchanged in the quick-change system......

30 Watt Fiber laser - LAS 28

The universal laser marking system LAS 28 from Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH can be used for a very wide range of marking applications. With the integrated fibre laser, you can mark al......

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Fiber laser LAS 28 XLe 30 W

The universal laser marking system LAS 28 XLe from Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH can be used for a very wide range of marking applications. With the integrated fiber laser you can mark......

LAS 28 CO2 Laser

With the powerful laser software, texts, numbers, 2D codes, QR codes and logos can be realised with just a few clicks and without extensive programming knowledge. The software auto......

LAS 28 XLe 30W marking laser

The universal laser marking system LAS 28 XLe from Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH can be used for a very wide range of marking applications. With the integrated fiber laser you can mark......

LAS 28 XLe 30W marking laser

The universal laser marking system LAS 28 XLe from Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH can be used for a very wide range of marking applications. With the integrated fiber laser you can mark......

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LAS 28 - 20W fiber laser for marking

The universal laser marking system LAS 28 from Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH can be used for a very wide range of marking applications. With the integrated fiber laser you can mark alm......

Trayloader/ Tray stacker TL4030

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20W table laser for marking - LAS 22

The LAS 22 is a compact tabletop unit with a small working area, ideally suited for small parts. Due to its small size, the unit is very practical and can be used anywhere. The dev......

Fiber laser for marking - LAS 28 20W

The universal laser marking system LAS 28 from Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH can be used for a very wide range of marking applications. With the integrated fiber laser you can mark alm......

20W Table laser - LAS 22 marking machine

The LAS 22 is a compact tabletop unit with a small working area, ideally suited for small parts. Due to its small size, the unit is very practical and can be used anywhere. The dev......

Fiber laser LAS 28 XLe 30 W

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Trayloader TL 6040

Tray-Loader TL-6040 - 2-lane stack-on module for the economical transport of trays (boxes) for printed circuit boards. The empty trays are removed from the transport carriage, auto......

Fume extraction / Smoke exhaust

Fume extraction with remote control and suction hose Air inlet interface ρm flange Max. Power 300W Air velocity 24/ms Filtration efficiency 0.3 µm / 99.97%. Hu3Pllk Noise 59ᐸdb Le......

30W table laser for marking - LAS 22

The LAS 22 is a compact tabletop unit with a small working area, ideally suited for small parts. Due to its small size, the system is very practical and can be used anywhere. The ......

PCB Depaneling machine

Semi-automatic depaneling / basic machine with parallel shuttle The dynamic depaneling machine LOW 4322 is especially suited for medium to high product volumes and meets growing de......

Mobile fiber laser LAS 23 portable 20 W

The mobile laser LAS 23 portable is characterized by its compact design. Small, handy and with custom-made attachments that can be individually exchanged in the quick-change system......

Fiber laser LAS 28 XLe 30 W

The universal laser marking system LAS 28 XLe from Systemtechnik Hölzer GmbH can be used for a very wide range of marking applications. With the integrated fiber laser you can mark......

Mobile fiber laser LAS 23  30 Watt

The mobile laser LAS 23 portable is characterized by its compact design. Small, handy and with custom-made attachments that can be individually exchanged in the quick-change system......