Mercodor GmbH Sondermaschinenbau KG
Mercodor GmbH Sondermaschinenbau KG from Frankfurt:
Mercodor GmbH Sondermaschinenbau KG, gegründet 1973, fertigt Zerkleinerungsmaschinen aller Art in
Mr Markus Finter
Bonameser Straße 44
60433 Frankfurt
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Shredder for sale. 2 planetary gearboxes each with 11 kw drive power knife 30 mm 1 hook complete switchgear. 2Tseuy......
Mercodor two-shaft shredder ZM 60 with a cutting chamber of 1200x700 mm drive via 2 planetary gearboxes with up to 15,000 NM per gearbox. Blade configuration can be different e.g. ......
Mercodor shredder ZM 44 complete machine with safety devices and switches. Siemens PLC control with overload protection etc. Machine with a cutting area of 500x380 mm knife 14 mm 3......
Machine equipped with 25 mm 3 hook knives 2 pieces planetary gearboxes with 15 KW power each and a control system with PLC and overload/reverse operation. Rdkx7......
Crushing machine for crushing glass bottles filled with beer etc for subsequent separation of solids and liquids. Cifnyhw9Ve......
Shredder housing made entirely of stainless steel with Hardox knives. Drive 11 kw. Ri7Gh......
Used shredding machine designed as a twin-shaft shredder blade 30 mm drive 22 KW we currently have 4 used machines in stock with control system and partly installation frame and ho......
Mercodor Shredder ZM 44 with a cutting area of 600x380 m with 7.5 KW drive, knife assembly 19 mm, 3 hooks. Dq3Ejv......