AMIS Maschinenvertriebs GmbH

AMIS Maschinenvertriebs GmbH from Zuzenhausen:
Ob gebrauchte Schneidmühlen und Shredder, oder sonstige Recycling-Maschinen – bei AMIS finden sie alles was Sie für effektives Recycling benötigen. Aber auch in punkto Zubehör und Ersatzteile hat der Gebrauchtmaschinen-Spezialist einiges zu bieten.
Neue Zerkleinerungsmaschinen bester Qualität finden Sie bei uns von ZERMA. Von Schneid- über Beistell- und Feinmühlen, bis hin zu Siebmaschinen und Waschanlagen – hier bekommen Sie Recycling-Maschinen der neuesten Generation.
Mr Thomas Ottenthal
Im Rohrbusch 15
74939 Zuzenhausen
AMIS Maschinen-Vertriebs GmbH
Im Rohrbusch 15
74939 Zuzenhausen
Vertretungsberechtigt: Thomas Ottenthal, Anette Stork
Registergericht: Mannheim
Registernummer: HRB 341115
USt-IdNr.: DE162855213
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The ZERMA auxiliary mills of the GSL series 180/120 to 180/430 were developed as low-speed mills especially for applications in the injection moulding sector. They have a rotor dia......
The granulators of the GSL series 300/400 to 300/800 are primarily intended for the size reduction of production-related scrap material in the injection moulding and blow moulding ......
Economical granulators: This GSE series is ideal for all injection molding and blow molding operations. It is basically suitable for all thin-walled plastic waste. Not only the fav......
The compact granulators of the GSC series are fully soundproofed granulators and thus particularly low-noise. Due to its sophisticated design, the integrated sound insulation ensur......
Infeed: 800 x 200 mmRotor Ø: 200 mmWidth: 880 mmRotor knives: 3xStator knives: 2Drive: 5.5 kW Oxkvv......
Inlet: 400 x 800mmRotor Ø: 400mmWidth: 800mmRotor knives: 5Stator knives: 2Drive: 45kW Bloesaby sprue mill, granulator, plastic mill, granulator......
The impact disc mills (fine mills) of the PM series are high-speed centrifugal mills for fine grinding of almost all thermoplastics. Typical tasks are the fine grinding of regrind ......
The AMIS briquetting press type ZBP 30 produces 30 mm briquettes. These briquettes can be ideally introduced for combustion in wood gasifiers and in smaller wood chip boilers / hea......
AT A GLANCE: Variable container dimensions (on customer request) Left- or right-hand design Hydraulics with separate oil tank All series can also be equipped as "DUO" variants Wo......
For the industrial production of rectangular briquettes The ZBP 500 briquettes pressable materials into highly compressed briquettes. The briquettes can be easily stored and transp......
In every calculation of the economy and public life, waste transports are an essential factor. Here, it is less the weight but more the volume that is important. The constantly ris......
The ZWS 600 SMART serves as a supplement to the ZWS series. The series was designed as a cost-effective solution especially for the shredding of wood residues in small and medium-s......
With the cost-effective single-shaft shredders of the ZWS series, a wide range of shredding tasks can be realized, e.g. as a preliminary stage for subsequent briquetting, for the p......
ZHS 600 - 18.5/22 kW rotor diameter : 400 mm Working cross section : 520 x 470 mm ZHS 850 - 30 kW rotor diameter : 400 mm Working cross section : 800 x 820 mm ZHS 1100 - 37 kW ro......
ZERMA single shaft shredders of the ZPS series have universal application possibilities. Naoivg9L They are suitable for shredding heavy and massive parts that cannot be directly sh......
GENERAL Typical of the single-shaft shredders of the ZIS series are their voluminous grinding chambers, the stability of which is ensured by their steel-welded construction. The ro......
ZXS 1500 - 2x75kW - working cross section: 1500 x 1490mm ZXS 2000 - 2x90kW - working cross section: 1500 x 1900mm ZXS 3000 - 2x110kW - working cross section: 1500 x 2700mm ZXS ser......
General: Brqt9Igcpx The single shaft shredders of the ZTS-/ZTTS-series have been specially developed for the shredding of whole or pre-shredded tyres. Both the ZTS and ZTTS shredde......
The solution for shredding large, long pipes and profiles. The ZRS series has been specially developed for shredding pipes with diameters of up to 1,300 mm and made of different ma......
The Zerma ZCS Shredder integrates leading shredder and granulator technology into a single compact unit. With the development of the shredder and granulator combination, ZERMA has ......
The ZERMA GSH series granulators are extremely stable machines for the toughest demands and tailored to the versatile requirements of a modern recycling operation. The housings, m......
When crushing long pipes and profiles, conventional granulators are faced with considerable problems. In most cases, pits or platforms are needed to allow feeding of the long and b......
3-knife rotor (offset knives)2 rows of stator knivesRotor diameter: 500mmWorking width: 700mmInlet cross section: approx. 500 x 700mm Bmi820Ms......
3-knife rotor2 rows of stator knivesRotor diameter: 280 mmRotor width: 600 mmInlet cross section: approx. 280 x 600mmWeight: approx. 800kg Brquigjliv......
2-knife double rotor3 rows of stator knivesRotor diameter: 150mmWorking width: 200mmInlet cross section: approx. 350 x 210mm Hdrxja2......
Show 133