Used 3 Axis Cnc Milling Machine for sale (99,183)

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Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
Milling machine 3-axis CNC Kunzmann WF4/3
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Germany Burgoberbach
6,740 km

Milling machine 3-axis CNC

Certified Dealer
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes, DECKEL MAHO DMU 35 M - SIEMENS 810D mit ShopMill
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Germany Hessisch Lichtenau
6,811 km

CNC 3+2 axis vertical machining center, milling machine, BAZ, 5 axes,

Certified Dealer
Milling machine CNC 3-axis Maho MH 500 W Heidenhain TNC 232 B
Milling machine CNC 3-axis Maho MH 500 W Heidenhain TNC 232 B
Milling machine CNC 3-axis Maho MH 500 W Heidenhain TNC 232 B
Milling machine CNC 3-axis Maho MH 500 W Heidenhain TNC 232 B
Milling machine CNC 3-axis Maho MH 500 W Heidenhain TNC 232 B
Milling machine CNC 3-axis Maho MH 500 W Heidenhain TNC 232 B
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Germany Burgoberbach
6,740 km

Milling machine CNC 3-axis
MahoMH 500 W Heidenhain TNC 232 B

Certified Dealer
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center OSISTECH MACHINE OST-500
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5,203 km

Aluminum uPVC 3 Axis CNC Machining Center

CNC universal milling machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC universal milling machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC universal milling machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC universal milling machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC universal milling machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC universal milling machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
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Switzerland Reiden
6,932 km

CNC universal milling machine
KunzmannWF 4/3

Certified Dealer
CNC Universal Milling Machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC Universal Milling Machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC Universal Milling Machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC Universal Milling Machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC Universal Milling Machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC Universal Milling Machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC Universal Milling Machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
CNC Universal Milling Machine Kunzmann WF 4/3
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Germany Germany
6,760 km

CNC Universal Milling Machine
KunzmannWF 4/3

Drilling and milling machine FEHLMANN Picomax 55 CNC 2/3
Drilling and milling machine FEHLMANN Picomax 55 CNC 2/3
Drilling and milling machine FEHLMANN Picomax 55 CNC 2/3
Drilling and milling machine FEHLMANN Picomax 55 CNC 2/3
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Switzerland Reiden
6,932 km

Drilling and milling machine
FEHLMANNPicomax 55 CNC 2/3

Certified Dealer
3-axis CNC machine MTCUT V110 - 12TH
3-axis CNC machine MTCUT V110 - 12TH
3-axis CNC machine MTCUT V110 - 12TH
3-axis CNC machine MTCUT V110 - 12TH
Germany Kreuzwertheim
6,819 km

3-axis CNC machine
MTCUTV110 - 12TH

Certified Dealer
3-axis milling machine conventional HERMLE UWF 801 Aktiv
3-axis milling machine conventional HERMLE UWF 801 Aktiv
3-axis milling machine conventional HERMLE UWF 801 Aktiv
3-axis milling machine conventional HERMLE UWF 801 Aktiv
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Germany Burgoberbach
6,740 km

3-axis milling machine conventional

Certified Dealer
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
5-axis CNC milling machine Deckel Maho DMU35M
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Germany Ebenweiler
6,815 km

5-axis CNC milling machine
Deckel MahoDMU35M

Certified Dealer
Swivel milling machine 3 axis controlled Holzkraft / SCM twf 55 es M 3 UP
Swivel milling machine 3 axis controlled Holzkraft / SCM twf 55 es M 3 UP
Swivel milling machine 3 axis controlled Holzkraft / SCM twf 55 es M 3 UP
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Germany Bitburg
7,034 km

Swivel milling machine 3 axis controlled
Holzkraft / SCMtwf 55 es M 3 UP

Certified Dealer
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine KÖLLMANN ELQ 000-10g-160
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Germany Germany
6,965 km

5-axis CNC traveling column milling machine
KÖLLMANNELQ 000-10g-160

Certified Dealer
3-axis HSC milling machine Röders Tec RXP800
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Germany Soltau
6,812 km

3-axis HSC milling machine
Röders TecRXP800

Certified Dealer
3-axis CNC machine HERMLE C 800 V
3-axis CNC machine HERMLE C 800 V
3-axis CNC machine HERMLE C 800 V
3-axis CNC machine HERMLE C 800 V
Germany Kreuzwertheim
6,819 km

3-axis CNC machine

Certified Dealer
3-axis milling machine conventional Hermle UWF 801 6995
3-axis milling machine conventional Hermle UWF 801 6995
3-axis milling machine conventional Hermle UWF 801 6995
3-axis milling machine conventional Hermle UWF 801 6995
3-axis milling machine conventional Hermle UWF 801 6995
3-axis milling machine conventional Hermle UWF 801 6995
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Germany Burgoberbach
6,740 km

3-axis milling machine conventional
HermleUWF 801 6995

Certified Dealer
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
3 Axle milling machine Alzmetall BAZ 26 CNC
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6,330 km

3 Axle milling machine
AlzmetallBAZ 26 CNC

Tool milling and drilling machine Klopp KORRADI UW 3 - CNC
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Germany Wermelskirchen
6,984 km

Tool milling and drilling machine

CNC milling machine Deckel FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine Deckel FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine Deckel FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine Deckel FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine Deckel FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine Deckel FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine Deckel FP 3 ATC
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Germany Dieburg
6,868 km

CNC milling machine
DeckelFP 3 ATC

Certified Dealer
CNC 5-Axis Universal Milling Machine Ferrari C.B. A16
CNC 5-Axis Universal Milling Machine Ferrari C.B. A16
CNC 5-Axis Universal Milling Machine Ferrari C.B. A16
CNC 5-Axis Universal Milling Machine Ferrari C.B. A16
CNC 5-Axis Universal Milling Machine Ferrari C.B. A16
CNC 5-Axis Universal Milling Machine Ferrari C.B. A16
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Germany Celle
6,795 km

CNC 5-Axis Universal Milling Machine
Ferrari C.B.A16

Certified Dealer
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis JOBS Ever
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Luxembourg Mamer
7,070 km

CNC 5 Axis Gantry Milling Machine 5 Axis

Certified Dealer
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine DMG MORI DMU50
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Germany Ganderkesee
6,900 km

CNC 5-axis simultaneous milling machine


Trust Seal

Through Machineseeker certified dealers

Trust Seal
Milling machine Kunzmann WF 7/3 CNC
Milling machine Kunzmann WF 7/3 CNC
Milling machine Kunzmann WF 7/3 CNC
Milling machine Kunzmann WF 7/3 CNC
Milling machine Kunzmann WF 7/3 CNC
Milling machine Kunzmann WF 7/3 CNC
Milling machine Kunzmann WF 7/3 CNC
Milling machine Kunzmann WF 7/3 CNC
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Germany Germersheim
6,901 km

Milling machine
KunzmannWF 7/3 CNC

CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine HURCO BMC 30/M - Ultimax 3
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Germany Hessisch Lichtenau
6,811 km

CNC vertical machining center, BAZ, milling machine
HURCOBMC 30/M - Ultimax 3

Certified Dealer
CNC milling machine with tool changer DECKEL FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine with tool changer DECKEL FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine with tool changer DECKEL FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine with tool changer DECKEL FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine with tool changer DECKEL FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine with tool changer DECKEL FP 3 ATC
CNC milling machine with tool changer DECKEL FP 3 ATC
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Switzerland Root
6,901 km

CNC milling machine with tool changer

Certified Dealer
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ IXION 30 CNC W + HEIDENHAIN TNC 415
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Germany Hessisch Lichtenau
6,811 km

4-axis CNC drilling and milling machine, overhauled in 2020, machining center, VMC, BAZ

Certified Dealer

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