PRATTES Maschinen-Handels GmbH from Sankt Peter im Sulmtal:

Die Prattes Maschinen-Handels GmbH im suedsteirischen St. Peter gehoert seit vielen Jahren zu den zuverlaessigen Anbietern von gebrauchter und neuer Holzbearbeitungstechnik in Oesterreich.

War es in den in den fruehen 1990er Jahren vor allem die Beschaeftigung mit Werkzeugen und Maschinen fuer lokale Kleinbetriebe so erweiterte das Unternehmen in der Zwischenzeit sein Angebot und Fachwissen auf fast allen Einsatzgebieten gebrauchter und neuer Technik in der modernen Holzbearbeitung und liefert in alle Unternehmensgroessen.

Holzverarbeitern und Haendlerkollegen stehen immer mehrere Maschinen und Anlagen im Lager zur Auswahl.
Angeboten wird Technik sowohl im Istzustand ab Lager oder Einsatzstandort als auch mit bedarfsgerechter Pruefung und Instandsetzung, auf Wunsch auch werkstattueberholt mit Garantie.
Die Planung von Heizungs- und Luftreinhaltungssystemen sowie die Erstellung von Einreichplaenen fuer die Behoerde runden das Lieferprogramm ab.

Anbieter und Kunden profitieren gleichermassen von den mittlerweile weltweiten Kontakten, den umfassenden Maschineninformationen auf der Homepagepage sowie der Fachberatung und der professionellen Abwicklung von Transport- und Exportaufgaben.

Willkommen in der Welt der Holzbearbeitungstechnik.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfragen oder Zusendung Ihrer Kaufangebote.

Mr Werner Prattes
Sankt Peter 32
8542 Sankt Peter im Sulmtal

further legal information

PRATTES Maschinen-Handels GmbH
Sankt Peter 32
8542 Sankt Peter im Sulmtal

Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht fuer ZRS Graz
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 131594x
Firmensitz: Sankt Peter
Rechtsform: GmbH
UID- Nummer: ATU 38313605

Handel mit Waren aller Art
Handel mit Maschinen, Computersystemen, technischem und industriellem Bedarf, Landesgremium

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Current classifieds & top offers:

Edge sander

edge sanding machine - made in AUSTRIA motor 2,2 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz oszillation 0,18 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz sanding belt length 3000 mm sanding b ...

Edge bending machine

Work piece thickness 0,4 - 8 mm Work piece height max. 51 mm Min. work piece width 50 mm min work piece length 180 mm edge magazine for ...

Bandsaw/ resaw

Technische Daten: fly wheel DM 800 mm Pzlx7Qphm Max. cutting height 400 mm Max. max cutting width 780 mm tabel dimensions 580 x 810 mm tild ...

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More classifieds & machinery offers:

Edge sander

edge sanding machine - made in AUSTRIA motor 2,2 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz oszillation 0,18 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz sanding belt length 3000 mm sanding belt width 200 mm work table seize 1000/ ......

Edge bending machine

Work piece thickness 0,4 - 8 mm Work piece height max. 51 mm Min. work piece width 50 mm min work piece length 180 mm edge magazine for PVC and strips pneumatic pressure roll......

Bandsaw/ resaw

Technische Daten: fly wheel DM 800 mm Pzlx7Qphm Max. cutting height 400 mm Max. max cutting width 780 mm tabel dimensions 580 x 810 mm tildable table 15 Grad Max. saw blade dimens......

Combined planer - thicknesser

- extra long - one piece - planing tables (2250 mm) from cast iron Xfyz0O89Q - simultaneous opening and closing of planer tables with locking system - heavy duty industrial style m......

Sliding table saw

Features: 5-axis electronic control overhead control panel, rotatable electronic adjustment for scoring unit automatic rip fence with movement on screw and ball pushing linear g......

Spindle moulding machine, spindle moulde

spindle moulder with tillable spindle guaranteed quality at your finger tips - easy-to-use the operator easily adjusts all movements due to a hand wheel with mechanical decimal r......

Wood chipper

main motor 18,5 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz motor hydraulik 1,75 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz hydraulic pusher stroke 700 mm number of cutting tools 36 speed cutter block 120 U/ min sieve boring accor......

Edge banding machine

The model ME 40TR is SCM’s ‘bestseller and in this category offering unrivaled price / performance ratio. We can offer the following new machine SCM me 40tr, CE Volt 400 EU, fre......

Edge banding machine

edge thickness 0,4 - 12 mm work piece thickness 10 - 55 mm work piece length min 160 mm work piece width min 65 mm feed speed 13 m/ min compressed air 7 bar machine length 5......

Thicknessing planer

The SCM S630 CLASS thickness planer is a practical heavy duty thicknesser with robust industrial design. All controls and indicators are at the front control panel The machine ca......

Dove tail joints machine

The manual milling machine Omec 650-M is utilised to indent dovetails for drawers and various furniture elements. The machine is equipped with a mill spindle which allows cutting o......

Band saw, band resaw

Thin layer from 2 mm thickness Maximum cutting accuracy up to ± 0.15 mm Minimal kerf, cutting thickness from 1.3 mm Mtjlj Ideal for the cutting of dried and wet wood or alternative......

Structuring brush

Rusticating machine for wooden artefacts such as boards, profiles, beams and strip wood for flooring, with maximum width 40 or 60 cm x 30 cm high. hight adjustment via hand wheel......

Double end profiling machine

double end profiling machine for the door and windows production working width 4000 mm 3 aggregates on each side 1 x saw 2 x vertical miling aggregate - spindle stroke 800 mm! lo......

Band saw, band resaw

band saw according to CE and with the following features strong cast iron work table, inclinable balanced cast iron fly wheels saw blade guide, telescopic saw blade tensioning in......

Feed trough cut off saw

Touch - Screen 7” in Color Programming directly via Touch Screen chalk line cutting working according to program 1 pcs pusher for cut off pieces hydraulic saw blade movement machi......

Combined planer

both working tables open at the same time! working width 410 mm cutter block DM 95 mm knife dimensions 410 x 30 x 3 Gqbwy9Nbs max. chip removal 5 mm working table ......

Double sided swing saw

Saw unit swivels 46 ° on both sides. Programmable, electric saw blade adjustment Control unit with electronic display for saw blade tilt and lift Torsional rigidity and vibration......

Combined planer

Work table adjustment in the infeed by means of parallelogram system Display for chip removal via degree scale Simultaneous height adjustment and locking of the work tables complet......


work table dimensions 2500 x 780 mm spindle DM 30 mm tilting of spindle +/- 45,50 usable spindle lenght 140 mm Max. tool DM under table 300 x 80 mm suction D......

Line drilling machine

21-spindle single-head drilling machine, suitable for all carpentry needs, ideal for joining a work center to save time and release it from horizontal drilling operations. PNEUMAT......

Edge banding machine

max. edge thickness coils 0.2 - 3 mm max. edge thickness solid strips15 mm feed speed 12/ 18 m/min glue plot heating time approx. 6 min autom. strip magazine coil magazine gr......

CNC drilling center

The new numerical control universal drilling machine for woodworking shops and craftsmen with very good price / performance ratio. machine incl. options: sensor for work piece ......

Veneer press, hot press

Technische Daten: Abmessungen der Heizplatten 3000 x 1300 mm Anzahl der Heizplatten 2 # Anzahl der Presszylinder 6 # Pressdruck 90 t (900 kN) Zylinderdurchmesser ......

Edge sanding machine

Equipped with a belt grinding tool it enables the clean, ready-to-cut finish of eight different, quickly adjustable radii by means of an oscillating sanding belt. The universal mac......

Show 86